The Polka Quads (Steelton, 1976)


Issued in America’s Bicentennial year, on good old vinyl, was this eponymous Polka Quads album.

I just found this on EBAY going for a little over three dollars.

Steelton has a lively polka scene even today.  It’s funny, because for years I’ve been walking by a building down on Front Street in Steelton advertising “POLKA QUADS,” with monthly dates given on their changing signboard. I always assumed that referenced the dance and not a particular musical act. Now I’m wondering.

Want a real shocker? When I googled this, I found this video from 2010 which seems to indicate the band might be ongoing after all these years. Continuing with this search,  I learned the band seems to have toured quite a bit in recent years. Here are some other performance videos featuring the musical act.  I think the most recent videos date from three years ago. Maybe it’s an inter-generational or family thing and the line-up has changed over the years.

Polka probably leads to longevity.  If you polka at twenty, you’ll probably polka at a hundred.



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